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July 1, 2024

July in the Garden: Tips to Beat the Heat

July is for patriotic porch time, hot lazy days spent listening to the cicadas, and shaded evenings staying up late on the deck or patio.

garden july care

July is for patriotic porch time, hot lazy days spent listening to the cicadas, and shaded evenings staying up late on the deck or patio. Your garden is likely in full swing and some areas may now be ready for some maintenance.

Below is a list of things that you can do to beautify the yard in the heat of July:

Water, water, water:

  • No surprise, but regular watering and a good dose of fertilizer will help plants and turf grass survive the heat.
  • Water early and late in the day to reduce water loss from evaporation.
  • Use mulch to retain water and keep roots cooler.
  • Trees and shrubs planted in the last 3 years still need extra water during dry periods.

watering garden

Refresh annuals:

  • Annual and perennial flower plants are available at Sunnyside all summer and new plants can be added to fill in bare spots or add color at any time.
  • Long, leggy Petunias, Calibrachoa and other annuals can be cut in half to encourage new growth & blooms.
  • Fertilize your annuals with a liquid fertilizer even if you have already used a slow release fertilizer. July packs a lot of heat and can stress out plants.

Check up on your perennials: 

  • Deadhead large flowered plants such as Geraniums and Day Lilies after they bloom — this will encourage more blooms in some varieties and keep them from getting huge seed heads.
  • Perennial Salvia that has bloomed can get cut in half (literally) and will re-bloom in just three weeks.

General gardening care:

  • Don’t allow weeds to go to seed.
  • Pick vegetables when they are at optimal size and maturity for best eating quality.
  • Scan your plants and garden beds to see what bugs are hanging around and consider if the damage they are doing is tolerable. There are plenty of organic and natural pest controls available in addition to your standard chemical ones to help with your needs.
  • Hot humid July can lead to spots and mildews. Prevent and treat with an easy fungicide spray on the usual victims: Peonies, Salvia, Veronica, Roses, Ninebark, pumpkins and squash.

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