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May 8, 2017

Sun Perennial Garden

Our favorite plants for sunny gardens: Achillea millefolium – Also known as yarrow, this sun-loving perennial has soft, silvery foliage and can grow up to three feet tall.

Our favorite plants for sunny gardens:

Achillea millefolium – Also known as yarrow, this sun-loving perennial has soft, silvery foliage and can grow up to three feet tall. The flowers can attract butterflies and are available in yellow, pink, and red. Yarrow works well in naturalized areas as it can tolerate dry soils.

Gaillardia x grandiflora – Gaillardia, also known as blanket flower, is a hardy, daisy-like plant with red to yellow banded flowers. These plants grow up to two feet tall and are deer and rabbit resistant. Blanket flowers are low maintenance and can attract birds and butterflies to your garden.

Hemerocallis spp. – Daylilies are among the most common sun-loving perennials and come in a huge variety of colors and sizes. These hardy plants can grow in tough conditions, are easy to maintain, and can easily be divided and transplanted.

Sedum spp. – The genus Sedum covers a group of plants which are largely drought-tolerant and come in a variety of forms and colors. There is everything from a two-foot tall, upright plant with purple foliage to a spreading, green groundcover. These plants make a great addition to a rock garden or any sunny garden bed.

Baptisia australis – Baptisia is a great perennial for four-season interest. The three- to four-foot tall, light blue-green plant provides nice height and color, then when the plant blooms, it adds lavender or yellow color. In the winter, the seed pods shake in the wind, adding a nice sound to the calm of the season. Because it is a legume, baptisia also adds nitrogen to your soil.

Echinacea spp. – Commonly called coneflowers, these lovely perennials feature purple, red, or orange flowers and dark green, bristly leaves. Coneflowers work well in rain gardens, as well as other sunny applications. Most coneflowers grow to about two to three feet tall.

Monarda spp. – Monarda, or bee balm, is a great wildlife-friendly plant for your sun perennial collection. The unique flowers come in shades of red, pink, and purple. These plants generally grow to two or three feet tall.

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