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June 7, 2017

Why You Should Mulch Your Garden

Let's face it, many of us mulch specifically for curb appeal.

mulch garden vinca

Let’s face it, many of us mulch specifically for curb appeal. It really is amazing to drive up to your home and see your freshly mulched landscape and garden. However, mulching is a little garden task that actually has more purpose than you’d think. There are many benefits to adding mulch to your yard beyond making your plants pop and giving your yard a quick makeover.

Mulch Benefits

Water Saver: Mulch holds in moisture. After a good watering or rain, mulch can protect your plants soil and water. Especially in areas of your yard that receives direct sun, mulch will reduce the amount of times you need to water and how much water you use.

Soil Shader: It shades the root zone and protects it from things like wind and sun. Mulch will help keep the roots of your plants keep cool. If the roots of your plant are happy, the plant will be happy! Depending on the type of mulch you use, as it breaks down, it can also help add nutrients to your soil.

Weed Prevention: It keeps the weeds down. With a 3” layer of mulch, weeds have a much harder time getting started (or growing at all). Mulch blocks the sunlight that weeds need to germinate, thus less time spent pulling out these pesky eyesores and more time enjoying your garden!

Winter Protection: The advantages of mulch go beyond the summer months. The layers of mulch can also help keep your perennials and shrubs cozy, even when it’s downright bitter out. Protecting the plants in your yard from the snow, ice and wind will help promote stronger plants come springtime.

Mulch Discount

Now is a great time to start keeping the weeds down, retaining moisture in the soil and giving your garden the finished backdrop to make your plants POP! We’ll help get you going by offering free local delivery of mulch when you buy 15 bags or more. Contact us today!  

Sunnyside Gardens offer the following mulches:

  • Cedar
  • Cocoa Shell
  • Brown
  • Red
  • Black
  • Cedar Chips
  • Pine Bark

*All mulch comes in 2 cubic feet bags.

Mulch Calculations

Wondering how many bags of mulch you’ll need for your yard? Here are some approximations:

  • 1/2 Yard @ 1″ Depth= 7 bags covers 160 square feet
  • 1/2 Yard @ 2″ Depth= 7 bags covers 80 square feet
  • 1 Yard @ 1″ Depth=14 bags covers 320 square feet
  • 1 Yard @ 2″ Depth= 14 bags covers 160 square feet

*Bag Volume= 2 cubic feet
*1 cubic yard= 27 cubic feet

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