I picked three of my favorite succulents for dorm rooms. Having lived in several dorm rooms and apartments in my life I can attest to a few known factors:
- You can have great natural sunlight or live in virtual cave.
- You may be a fixed creature of your abode or only stop by to check messages.
- The thermostat could be locked at 82 degrees or the window perpetually open to allow much needed air flow.
- **Everything glows with artificial light.
So, what can I suggest that may survive a dorm room ecosystem? First of all, a succulent would be a good choice as it needs minimal water. Then of all the succulents available, I chose ones that can survive in high or lower light. Jade, Kalanchoe and Aloe.
Pick out a healthy plant, one that excites you! Plant in a container with good drainage (something with a saucer to catch excess water) using succulent soil, water once a week and if possible set near a window or within 10 feet of a window.