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New Pee Gee Hydrangeas

Hi, I just purchased two new pee gee hydrangea trees a week ago.


Hi, I just purchased two new pee gee hydrangea trees a week ago. They are both showing some yellow leaves on the interior of the plant. They are planted in great soil and I have been watering them well while they adjust to their new location. One plant had a few yellow leaves when we bought it but it now has many more. Any ideas what this is and if I should be worried about the trees long term?

—Mike Levad


Hi Mike,

My advice to you is to keep up with the watering.  The root ball of a newly planted tree can be difficult to saturate with water even with the newly amended ground holding water quite well.  As a rule of thumb, we like to say that a shrub or tree won’t show signs of OVER watering until several weeks into an intense water schedule.

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