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May 22, 2018

Residential Rain Garden-DIY

Residential Rain Garden-Lesson & Design Become a water hunter!

Residential Rain Garden-Lesson & Design

Become a water hunter! Run off from homes and patios often runs straight into city drain systems, this could be captured and used to feed life in your garden. Find where water runs in your yard and dig in to capture it!  Study the design below and make your weekend project come alive with your newly learned rain water conservation program. Residential Rain Garden Design -PDF
Residential Rain Garden Minnesota

Other DIY Landscaping

tree top spruce pot care

Evergreen Tree Top Pots: Caring For And Building Your Own

The Sunnyside team shares tips for caring for your tree top pots (ready-to-go or DIY), as well as the basic steps to building your own evergreen pots for the holiday season.

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Sunnyside team member Courtney arranges cold-weather ornamental kale.

Late Summer In the Garden: Everything You Need to Know

Late summer is a busy time for most, between some of the hottest weeks of summer and busy schedules, it can be easy to overlook…

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Create a Car Stopping Window Box Display

Create a car stopping window box display This 4 foot window box is loaded to the MAX with some great color and essential greens. You…

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