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Petunia Hanging Baskets

Summer’s got you feeling hungry and thirsty…. if you’re a plant, that is.

  It’s time to check in on your container plants and newly planted perennials and shrubs. I feel bad when I see people/plant relationships go…

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Watering Spring Flowers

The Garden That Keeps On Giving – Perennials

You know what’s awesome? Gardening (you had to see that coming). You know what’s awesome-r? When your garden gardens FOR you. Every gardener has a…

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Planting what’s right.

Choosing what perennials to plant and where to plant them are the questions that everyone is asking. And what do I need to do to…

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Season long color- year after year!

A common question we’ve been getting is how perennials make the “Sunnyside best” list. The short answer is that these select perennials are tried and…

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3 Simple Steps for Peak Preformance in the Garden

Spring is almost here (I promise), and while the weather forecaster stubbornly predicts more snow and grizzly nighttime temps, our garden beds are slowly awakening. …

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